Love comes from you.

Because God has said,"Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

Monday, August 01, 2005

Stressed out.

6 tests in three days.
That is what I am going through.
National day is coming, everythings has to be pushed forward.
Now I really wonder whether holidays are good are bad.
I guess no one will know the answer.

Rap, dance and cheer.
A captain's job to do everything?
No way.
I need my team, even thought they often disobey me.
Once a team, forever a team.
No matter what.

To my Jie: How are you? Feeling better? I hope so.

Because you live and breathe.
Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help.
Because you live, girl.
My world has everything I need to survive.

There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear.
1 John 4:18(half of it)


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