Blue blacks
We just started our A div competition.
Against SR today. I played like shit.
Fell and had a super huge blue black on my knee, could hardly bend it now...
Haiz.. Had butter fingers today too.
But no worries, yasure is here.
I will do better next time.
Ouch ouch ouch...
its about two cm long.
Everytime i try touching it, it hurts.
My efforts of rubbing with oil and other aint working.
It still seem so blue.
May be it takes time.
But i am having my next match so soon.
I don know whether i will still be able to keep up with it.
I hope it goes off soon.
Being sian is not a gd excuss.
Perhaps or may be, you have lost it.
I feel so confuse and blur.
Pls give me some sign soon.
A song aint a song until it is sang.
A bell aint a bell until it is rang.
Love in the heart aint love until it is given aways.
Against SR today. I played like shit.
Fell and had a super huge blue black on my knee, could hardly bend it now...
Haiz.. Had butter fingers today too.
But no worries, yasure is here.
I will do better next time.
Ouch ouch ouch...
its about two cm long.
Everytime i try touching it, it hurts.
My efforts of rubbing with oil and other aint working.
It still seem so blue.
May be it takes time.
But i am having my next match so soon.
I don know whether i will still be able to keep up with it.
I hope it goes off soon.
Being sian is not a gd excuss.
Perhaps or may be, you have lost it.
I feel so confuse and blur.
Pls give me some sign soon.
A song aint a song until it is sang.
A bell aint a bell until it is rang.
Love in the heart aint love until it is given aways.